龙瑞,1946年出生,笔名大龙、蜀人。四川成都人。1966年毕业于北京工艺美术学校,之后从事工艺美术设计10馀年。1979年考入中央美术学院中国 画系山水画研究生班,1985年调中国国家画院为专职画家。中国美术家协会会员,东方美术交流学会理事。现为中国国家画院院长。作品《山 乡农校》入选第六届全国美展优秀作品展,《幽燕秋趣》入选第二届东方美术交流学会展,《山上有棵小树》获1988年“北京国际水墨画大展 ”大奖。出版有《龙瑞水墨画集》、《秋天的收获—龙瑞山水画专辑》。
Long Rui (Born 1946)
Born in Chengdu, Long Rui graduated from Beijing School of Art and Craft at age 20. In 1979 he graduated from the Department of Chinese Landscape Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts where he learned from Li Keran (1907-1989). He was awarded the Merit Prize in the "6th National Fine Arts Exhibition" in1981, and the Outstanding Entry Prize at the Japanese "Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition" in 1987. One year later, Long joined the "Modern Ink Painting Exhibition" which put on by the United Nations Educational Branch and the Chinese Culture Bureau in Paris. In 1991, he joined the "Selections of Chinese Painting Exhibition" in Seoul. Two years later, he participated in academic symposium and "Contemporary Ink Painting Exhibition" held in Taiwan while his exhibited piece was collected by Taizhong Fine Arts Museum. Between 1996 and 1997, Long visited Spain and Italy twice and held "Modern Chinese Painting Exhibition" there. In addition, he also joined the "National Chinese Painting Exhibition" in 2002 and the "Beijing International Biennial" an year after. Many of Long's works are published. He is now the Dean of the Research Institute of Chinese Arts and Director of research at the Research Institute of Traditional Chinese Painting, as well as an editor for "Art Observer" magazine, an executive for the Chinese Artists' Association and National First Class Artist.