
范曾 个人简历:

范曾,生于1938年7月5日,著名国画家、书法家、诗人。现为中国艺术研究院博士生导师、研究员,南开大学文学院终身教授,南开大学文学院、历史学院博士生导师,中国人民大学国学院导师。联合国教科文组织授予其“多元文化特别顾问”称号、法国国民之星金质勋章。范曾先生博古通今,提倡“回归古典、回归自然”,身体力行“以诗为魂、以书为骨”的美学原则,创作了一大批人民群众喜闻乐见的艺术形象,开创了“新古典主义”艺术的先河。他的文史哲著述中,所透露的人文关怀为国内外学界所共称,而其文章之优美,多次被誉为海内之首选。1980年,范曾先生为邮电部创作中国古代科学家徐光启、黄道婆、贾思勰、李冰邮票及齐白石肖像白描邮票,获中国古代科学家邮票设计一等奖。1984年,日本冈山县建立永久性的《范曾美术馆》,为中国于世界惟一享此殊荣者。1986 年,范曾先生捐建南开大学东方艺术大楼。2008年,范曾先生为人民大会堂创作巨幛《唐人诗意图》、为奥林匹克美术大会创作《弈秋课徒》,应邀为国家税务总局创作2009年印花税票《中国古代圣贤故事》12幅。在中央电视台 “爱的奉献”赈灾晚会上,范曾先生为四川汶川同胞捐款1000万元。
  范曾先生笔耕不辍,著作等身,著有《范曾诗稿》、《庄子显灵记》、《范曾的艺术》、《范曾简墨》、《尊贤画集—范曾与八大山人神会》、《范曾诗文集》、《范曾韵语》、《范曾散文三十三篇》、《老庄心解》、《范曾论文新作》、《趋近自然》、《范曾海外散文三十三篇》等百余种,中国国家图书馆收藏80 余部。

  Fan Zeng, bron in July 5, 1938, a well-known Chinese painting artist, calligrapher and poet, is now a Ph.D. advisor and research fellow of China Arts Institute, a life-long professor of the College of Literature of Nankai University, a Ph.D. advisor of the College of Literature and College of History of Nankai University, an advisor of the College of Chinese Studies of China Renmin University. He has won the honor of “Special Consultant of Diversified Culture” granted by UNESCO and a gold medal of “Star of France Citizens”.
Mr. Fan Zeng is erudite and informed. He promotes “regression to the classics, to the Nature”, and practices the aesthetic principles of “taking poems at the soul and books at the bone” in person. He has created a large number of arts images favored by the general public and launched the movement of “neo-classicism” arts. The humanist concern expressed in his literature, history and philosophy books is commonly praised by the academic circle both at home and abroad while the elegance contained in his articles is honored the priority of the kind in China. In 1980, Mr. Fan Zeng created stamps for ancient Chinese scientists including Xu Guangqi, Huang Daopo, Jia Sixie and Li Bing, and sketch stamps for the portrait of Qi Baishi, which won him the first prize of stamp design for ancient Chinese scientists. In 1984, Okayama County, Japan established a permanent Fan Zeng Art Gallery, which was the first of such honor of Chinese in the world. In 1986, Mr. Fan Zeng donated to build Oriental Arts Building of NanKai University. In 2008, Mr. Fan Zeng created the huge Poems Made by Tang People for the Great Hall of the People, Yiqiu Ketu for the Olympic Fine Arts Conference and created 12 pieces of Stories of Ancient Chinese Oracles, as fiscal stamps for the National General Administration of Tax. Later, in the disaster-relief evening gala titled “Contribution of Love” held by China Central Television, Mr. Fan Zeng donated RMB 10 million for compatriots in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province.
  Mr. Fan Zeng never stops his writing. He has written more than 100 books including Poem Manuscripts of Fan Zeng, Records of Zhuangzi Showing His Power, Fan Zeng and His Arts, Simple Introduction of Fan Zeng, Painting Collections — Fan Zeng and Eight Major Immortals, Poem Collections of Fan Zeng, Crambo of Fan Zeng, 33 Essays of Fan Zeng, Interpreting Zhuangzi, New Articles of Fan Zeng, Approaching the Nature and 33 Essays of Fan Zeng Abroad. Over 80 books of Fan Zeng are collected by China National Library.
  Fan Zeng has 24-character self-comment, i.e. being indulged in painting, being able to make calligraphy; selfdom write articles to express feelings; favor history books and know a little about changes of the past and present.




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